A Note From The Founder

Poppy The Label was named in homage to the California Golden Poppy. I was born and raised in a coastal town in Southern California. We are a third-generation surfing family. I wanted to embody that "California Girl" lifestyle that so many songs have been written about (thank you Beach Boys!). My desire is to help spread the stoke I felt from growing up on this beautiful coastline, and let other people around the world feel this experience as well through our product. 

Now let's talk about our brand’s slogan or mantra, if you will, "For The One Who Chases The Sun." I have spent a fair share of my time in both hemispheres of this beautiful planet. I would tend to spend my local summers in California, then around the holidays, as it turns to winter here, I would jump over to New Zealand or Australia to enjoy their summertime! I've always wanted to live in the warmth and sweetness of summer, forever "chasing the sun." I know that for me, summertime is where I feel most like myself. I wear the sun and saltwater on my skin everyday. I crave that refreshing ocean dip after a long hot day, which I consider to be one of the most therapeutic feelings in the world.

I want Poppy to represent the persona of the chic and sophisticated surfer chick. The one with the sun-kissed hair, soft smile, and who leaves a trail of sand where ever she goes.

I hope everyone can get a taste of that coastal California lifestyle I have embodied in this brand, as well as feel confident in the pieces I created for you all.

